I was absent from I taste the world for over a months...got tied up in different time consuming issues. Nevertheless it did not stopping me from experiment around the kitchen and visiting several art exhibitions and openings.
Jarg and I have been traveling back and forth between Germany and Belgium. Two things I truly enjoy doing in Belgium are eating and shopping at fresh market. Belgium is known in Europe to have good food, chocolate and good beer. One beautiful city we were, was Brugge - a world heritage. Yes we went 3 times and very time we have to make a stop at the best chocolate shop in the world calls
The Chocolate Line. Apparently they claim that title in 2009 and it's worth waiting in que! We managed in to try out 75% of their pralines in 3 visits and already looking forward for the next visit coming soon!
Brugge canal
We have seen about 10 exhibitions and were at the Preview of Art Cologne. There were some interesting exhibition and projects. Art Cologne this years was great specially the Open Space area - that was great fun and lively but the flavor of the fair was way too local ... too many galleries from Cologne and Germany. It lost its international flair - I wonder if it has to do with the volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajokull volcano - please do not ask me to pronounce that again.
Attractive mustache girls
Home in beautiful Dusseldorf- a view from K21 Museum

I did some experiment cooking Steamed Wild Salmon on Basil Peas Puree - that was very lovely and light. I will put together the recipe for you soon. It was fresh, simple and very fine. I also made Coq au Vin according to Julia Child on top fork mashed boiled potatoes. That was to die for....
K21 is an installation of a talent Polish artist Monika Sosnowska -
Ohne Titel, 2010. She did a spiral stair case coming down from the top floor of the museum - a really beautiful work. She was known from last Venice Biennale representing Polish pavilion.
A new gallery open in town
Springmann.Varol first exhibition from a young French photographer, activist, and artist JR - Women are Heroes. It was a fresh wind in the city. Interestingly that the audience for the opening evening were everyone but art crowd. Dusseldorf is the home of most important art academy in Germany where many influential artists lived and have lived. I heard a great success from the opening and wishing it continues on.
The gallerists: Selim Varol and Henrik Springman.
the sharp PR girl Hye-Won Yoon
Jarg has a wonderful an exhibition at Freeman Gallery in Aardenburg, Holland
chaussures du monde - click here for images of work. It was difficult to take pictures with reflection.
in picture- Alex Weidenbaum- Gallerist, Jarg, and Jo - art lover!
That is for now - just short report and I am back to blog !
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